All You Need is Love Mission

Kindness Initiative Programs

About the Joseph Middlemiss
"All You Need is Love" Mission
Joseph carried out Random Acts of Kindness on a daily basis and exemplified goodness. Although his time here on earth was way too short, he left behind a beautiful legacy of compassion, empathy, and kindness. Joseph’s life, legacy, spirit, smile, and love will never be forgotten.
The All You Need is Love Mission is about continuing the spreading of Joseph Middlemiss' message of love, healing, and kindness.
All you need is love...give it to someone today.
In an effort to keep his message alive, we ask that you “pay it forward”
and do something kind and caring for someone else.
Contact us to receive "All You Need is Love" Mission Cards to share
when performing a kind act.
Please Email us at: Info.jmbigheart@gmail.com
On Facebook: message us at the Joseph Middlemiss "All You Need is Love" Facebook page to receive Mission Cards.
Please take a picture with the Mission Card during your act of kindness:
...and post it on Facebook or Twitter #JosephMiddlemiss.
Then, pass the Mission Card and message along to the recipient so that he/she can keep Joseph's mission, legacy, and memory alive.
IMAGINE what this world would become if we all did one kind act for another person each day!
Please give it to someone today.

Join Us on
Joseph Middlemiss
"All You Need Is Love Facebook Page

Kindness Mission Honors Joseph's 12th Birthday
May 31, 2019
My family decided we would pay for a few random birthday cakes today in honor of Joey’s birthday. I ran to the grocery store on my lunch break and explained to the woman at the bakery what I was doing and why. She only had one large cake that she was finishing and it was due to be picked up later today. I asked if after I paid for it the cake, could I take a few pictures of it and leave a mission card behind to share the message - she was excited to be part of the plan!
Here is where things get more amazing - as I was walking back to the bakery, a couple approached the counter. They were there to pick up the cake. The woman ran to me and gave me a hug saying she was in shock and just could not believe how special this was! I told them the story of Joseph and why today we were honoring him in this special way. I also told them about The Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation’s donation of a swing to a sweet boy with a chromosome deletion disorder.
She said “stop right there. Do you have any idea who this cake is for? We are members of the...

Random Act of Kindness in Honor of Heart Transplant Warrior
October 9, 2017
"Today marks 10 years since our friend Jackson received the gift of life through a heart transplant. In honor of his courageous journey and the beautiful gift the donor family made in their darkest hour we carried out our own kindness mission this morning at ML Shaw's in Dracut. We continue to be so moved by the power of kindness!"